Fun Activities!
Every year the Gresham Senior Center has many opportunities for you to participate in. In the spring we have a free Wellness Fair where merchants from around the city bring information for you on healthcare, insurance, finances and much more.
We have at least one rummage sale if not more where most items start at a dollar. We accept donations of gently used items a month prior to the sale. You will be surprised what you will find at this sale, from brand-new to antiques you won’t want to miss it. I am sure you will find that special something you have always wanted.
The Saturday before Mother’s Day we celebrate the event with themes like “Garden Party”, “Tea by the Sea” and “Mothers Around the World” for the event. Most everyone wears a fancy hat in hopes to win the prize for the best hat. Lots of door prizes, good entertainment along with great food.
Everyone loves a Book Sale. People donate books that we keep for our library or save for the sale since we always have more than enough for both. A variety of books are sold at a very reasonable price.
In 2018 we celebrated the Gresham Senior Center’s 50th Anniversary by having a car show. It was such a success we decided to continue having the car show, check the calendar for the date usually August or September. If you have a car you would like to show, we would love for you to participate. Everyone has fun!
Either late October or early November the Gresham Senior Center Boutiques’ senior artisans have a Holiday Bazaar. If you love handcrafted items, you must come and delight in all the wonderful things. All made for you to purchase for that special someone or yourself.
The last event of the year is our fashion show this year’s theme was “Wine and Roses” last year was “Come Walk in Our Shoes”. There is always a beautiful quilt that goes along with the theme that we raffle off. Our volunteers are the models they have a great time showing off the fashions from our local stores. Maybe you would like to be a model, let us know.
So, I hope you can come join us at some of these events or maybe something else that might be going on at the Gresham Senior Center.
Thank you to all the volunteers and contributors who make our events successful!